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Travel Blog

Rare Plant Treasure Hunt with the California Native Plant Society

June 3, 2012 by: Sharon Roberts

Join the California Native Plant Society June 9th & 10th, 2012 for a Rare Plant Treasure Hunt.

American Pitcher Plant
Both beginning and experienced botanists are invited  to spend time searching for rare plants, geo- caching, and photographing or documenting discoveries.

Saturday, June 9: Carpool to the Butterfly Valley Botanical Area (10 mile drive from Quincy) and search for rare carnivorous plants including the California pitcher plant (Darlingtonia californica), English sundew (Drosera anglica), and other unique plants. Following lunch, search for the pointed broom sedge (only two known populations in California!) in the Snake and Smith Lake areas nearby.

Sunday, June 10: Carpool to Bucks Lake (20 mile drive from Quincy) and search for the only known CA populations of a rare orchid called northern coralroot (Corallorhiza trifida). Other interesting rare plants nearby include the buttercup-leaf suksdorfia (Hemieva ranunculifolia) and closed-throat- beardtongue (Penstemon personatus).

Drivers and riders will meet at the northwest corner of the Safeway parking lot in Quincy (20 East Main Street, Quincy, CA) at 9:30am each day for carpooling, returning to Quincy around 5-6pm both days. Bring a lunch, plenty of water, sun protection, and any field trip supplies desired (cameras, GPS units, etc.). Send RSVP and questions to Danny Slakey at

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